I have decided to step down as a trustee of the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre, Lowestoft. With a family connection of active support going back to 1919 it’s a bit of a wrench but there comes a time when you realise that you can’t justify remaining in post when other, younger, candidates are able to do twice the job that you can in half the time!
If the Kitchener was a club or an association then I could probably get by, freewheeling while others do the work but the Kitchener is far more important than a club. It provides a service to veterans of the armed, merchant and emergency services and to my knowledge no-one freewheels at the Kitchener.
I understand that new trustees are already being appointed and I wish them every success, I hope that they will have the energy and enthusiasm required. I would just remind them that being a trustee is not a sinecure, it needs to be worked at for no return other than the satisfaction of doing the best you can for those who have served.
I remain a supporter of Kitcheners and hope to see it continuing to fill a welfare need of its target clientele. The Kitchener is a large and old listed building in a conservation area and the maintenance costs are high. If you have the skills of a craftsman or tradesman then your support would be very welcome, as would financial support either direct or in sponsorship. To donate please see this Virgin Money Giving link.